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Polymanga and more…

Hey Folks,

Sorry for the huge gap in posting, I’m not super regular with my blog posts…!
but I’m now super active on Instragram! #tougui & @Tougui
for example, here some pics I took during a recent project from Insta.
I was contacted to make 10 giant Papertoys form the poster of the last edition of Polymanga (Switherland)
Such a fun project! Almost one month of full work, past to fold cut and glue those characters! 35m x 1m25 of paper sheet!
I was on the spot during 4 days to promote Papertoys with workshop and talk. I was really cool. Thanks to the organizers!

Now Spring’s comming and new projects too!
I’m working on few exhibitions to come with cool concepts, can’t wait to show some WIP 😉

Stay tuned and follow me on Instagram!

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